Monday, December 10, 2018

Conclusion- a little sprinkle of hope

What I hope to do is start here. I do wish to help more within our community and then expand off into places bigger than myself. How I plan to do this is become an elementary school teacher. What help could this do? Well, the main reason why I chose to go into elementary school education as opposed to another type of education is because children’s minds are so open to new ideas. They’re like fresh, blank canvases that are just waiting to have color splashed on them. I’m not saying children are the only ones with open minds, but the future is with the younger generation. Starting early and inspiring them to do something great when they’re older is the perfect path to go. Even though I don’t remember much of my elementary school career, I do remember one thing: my fifth grade teacher. She’s the one who brought up all the creativity in me, because she believed in me and took time to work with me. She’s the one who made me consider becoming a teacher myself one day, and if I could have that same impact on kids, we’re one step closer to saving the world.

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The funny thing about this is that I actually had a conversation about this with a few friends the other day. We were talking about our future careers and I told them that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, and my one friend mentioned that this is a risky career choice considering the fact that the education system is extremely poor in Michigan, and I responded that that's one of the reasons why I want to leave Michigan and teach elsewhere. To my surprise, they said that they wanted me to stay so I can fix the problems that were going on here, that I should use the fact that the education system is so poor as a reason to stay. It was kind of a funny way of thinking, but she said that I should stay and try to fix it and then, if I still wanted to move elsewhere, to then fix other education systems too

We joked around about how I would fix the education system here and then go on tour like some kind of celebrity and fix other places too, and I just kind of laughed it off at first, but writing this paper really made me realize that maybe this idea wasn't too far-fetched. That maybe I could do something greater and that I could fix the education system here, even if I thought that it was too big for me. Turn the impossible to possible. Maybe one day I will go on tour like some big celebrity and change the way the education system is. Maybe one day I will change the world

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What I really aspire to do is inspire. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to have a life-changing impact on someone, and I'm hoping that becoming a teacher could help me fulfill that. What I really admire about elementary school teachers is that they're basically playing a huge role in a child's life, whether they know it or not, and I'm sure they do. They're helping children grow everyday, and it's so much responsibility in their hands. They're not just responsible for one, two, or even three kids, they're responsible for 20-30. I remember in fifth grade, my teacher had such an impact on me. She inspired me, she was my favorite teacher. She was my homeroom teacher and also my language arts teacher. She enjoyed writing little stories of her own, and one day she brought in her writing journal. She drew pictures on the side to illustrate her thoughts, and the pages were decorated with doodles and stories. She always told my class to be as creative as possible when we wrote, not just with our words, but how we display the story. Whether that just be with imagery or if we draw out the images in our heads ourselves, we should always express creativity in our writing. I didn't know it then, but the fact that I still remember that day in vivid detail tells me something; she imprinted something in my life. I don't owe all my dreams to express creativity to her, but she definitely had some sort of influence on me, and I hope to do the exact same children for other young children someday too.

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Divider courtesy of Kiaracol

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